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5 minutes of honest recs each week.
Hi, I'm Shreya! I'm a Mum of 3-in-3-years juggling raising a family in London with running a business, trying to eat healthy, and occasionally seeing friends.
Each week in THE SUDS email, I share the places, faces and saving graces that made me or my kids smile.
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"I like my newsletters like I like my baths: short"
Shreya Hewett
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A weekly read packed with ideas to delight kids and grown ups
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Read some of our favourites
Water of life
October-y weather comes with challenges when you have kids. Here's some ways to make it a little more cheerful.

Done and dusted
Hello from this side of the bank holiday! How's your summer been? Here's ideas for a little back to school prep and some light hearted jokes.

Waste no time
New products, raising honest kids and the importance of the village of ordinary people doing their jobs in your kid's life.