Weekly roundup 44: How YOU doing?
Happy Friday! I know this email is all about life with kids, but a big part of life with kids is putting them first. And sometimes that takes its toll.
Last week was my eldest son's first half-term holiday since starting Reception; it felt like a big milestone. But rather than doing fun half-termy things, the whole family took turns being sick. Not quite the R&R I had anticipated, and by the end of it I was feeling pretty tired and burnt out. That's just the way it goes sometimes.
Now, in my opinion real self-care looks like good routines around physical and mental health - sleep, good food, exercise, hobbies - and I don't think there's a substitute to that. But in today's email I'm sharing some things that perked up my week nevertheless. I'm hoping that if anything's got you down recently (hey, if it's not a viral tummy bug, maybe it's the fun factory at the Bank of England), they might cheer you up too.
- Shreya
Neat burger was really... neat
Super tasty fast food that just happens to be plant-based and allergen-free. Extremely cute aesthetic. Great meal deals (Lunch for under £7! With a drink!) and kids' meals. Truly, what is not to love about this place.
Also, I will say: sometimes it's not just a buggy park that makes a place child-friendly. At Neat Burger's Soho branch, the toilets were in the basement, and I was there with a baby and a toddler. They looked after my pram, and a staff member offered to carry the toddler down for me. Impeccable service. (They also have a branch in Westfield Stratford if you're so inclined.)
Have you tried Tony's Chocolonely?
I've always been a Cadbury's person so even though I've seen Tony's crop up on every shop shelf recently, I wasn't fussed about trying it. Then... someone gifted me some. And now... I'm reconsidering everything. Arguably the best salted caramel chocolate on the market. Solid anti-slavery credentials and a mission for greater equity in cocoa farming. It can't help but lift your spirits.
Louis Theroux interviews Stormzy
What's better than one legend? Two. Stormzy's last album was pretty much the soundtrack of the first lockdown and this interview covers everything that's happened since then. On iPlayer, 45 minutes, really heartwarming.
Apparently, fibre is good??
In a refreshing break from telling kids to eat their veggies, watch this explainer on the actual benefits of fibre in your own diet. Doctor approved and just 2-minutes long (On TikTok but you can watch without an account).
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