Weekly Roundup 24: Tummy time, money time


I'll keep it short today because I'm a little sun-struck after all the GLORIOUS SUNSHINE we've been having these last few days. How great is this weather?! I've put my winter coat away! I'm drying laundry outside! Ice cream for everyone! What are some of your favourite things about spring?

Also, if the email this week inspires you to do something different with the kids in your life, why not forward it to 1 other person and tell them what inspired you?

- Shreya

7 reasons we designed the tummy time play mat for babies

7 reasons we designed the Heads Up tummy time play mat for babies

Our b-e-a-u-tiful tummy time mat has made its way from factory to warehouse! Read to ship ASAP, we're nearly there and we can't wait!

The Heads Up tummy time mat was borne out of Brook's and my own experience of trying to get our eldest son to do tummy time, and it gives parents and babies a simple and effective way to incorporate tummy time into daily routines. Read more about it here.

Why does tummy time matter for your baby

What's all the fuss about tummy time anyway?

Not sure why we keep banging on about it? You might think 'tummy time' is just another one of those cutesy terms parents like to throw about, either an over complication of something that is very natural to your baby, or an unnecessary fuss. Either way, it's good to know what it's all about.

Tummy time is wonderful for babies' development for SO MANY reasons - their core strength, eyesight, coordination, even head roundness! Here's 4 things you should know.

how to help your child develop the best fine motor skills

Grasp - no, literally

So much of what we want kids to be able to do for themselves starts with their gross and fine motor skills. Read more about helping your kids develop their grasps - there are different types! - and all the good things it leads to.

Missed last week's take on fine motor skills? Catch up here.

getting uncomfortable as a parent is what enriches our lives

The importance of getting uncomfortable

What are we modelling to the kids in our life if we prioritise comfort, or the easy way out, above all things? This week on Soapbox, Brook grapples with the uncomfortable realities of how it feels when the going gets tough.

"The truth is, the best things happen when we’re uncomfortable, but we often feel we’re in a battle to make life easier, or more comfortable. We know we’ll feel better after having gone to the gym, or feel better when we’ve had the hard conversation we know we had to have with a family member.  We feel better when we chose self-control in what we ate, or the words we said. It’s no different with kids. The best things happen when we’re forced to confront things in love, or our kids encourage us to do something we’ve never done before...

Our kids should see us breaking free of what is comfortable to know that comfort is not the ideal. If they see us confront things when it’s inconvenient to us, see us challenging them on their behaviour when it’s difficult for us, see us stand up for them, or do something hard or embarrassing because it’s the right thing to do, we will not only be changed ourselves, but our kids will grow up to know that discomfort brings richness to their life too."

Read more here.

And now for something completely different: some quick math 

what is the impact of the 2022 budget on your finances

The Spring budget statement was given this morning. Use this handy tool to find out how your household finances will be affected.


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