The Suds

Purposeful mealtimes are so important in this house because they’re about so much more than getting fed. It is a time to connect and touch base as a family, to find out what’s going on in the others’ lives, what’s on their mind, to share in the highs and lows.

All time is precious, putting it to good use as a Dad means seeing it all as valuable and making the most of it.
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Teaching kids to say sorry means modelling it for them and encouraging them to do it. Getting it right means helping your kids learn to value other people and understand the power of taking responsibility.
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Kids live socially sheltered lives. Despite the focus on stretching their physical and mental capacities, there isn’t necessarily the encouragement to push their social boundaries. Getting your kids to say hello, might just be the simplest way to start stretching them socially.
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If we want to raise kids that can try, fail, and feel confident trying again, they need to get comfortable hearing the word 'no'. Which means they need to learn how to be direct in what they ask.
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